Monday, December 15, 2014

a recap of the last few months

I know I have been absent from this blog the last few months. I blame work. Ha! But seriously, I have not been blogging because it really has not been the focus for me right now. But there are times where I really enjoy writing and reflecting on the previous month and sharing little bits from my life.
So I thought I would just do a quick recap and hit publish without looking back. In not particular order some highlights from the past few months.

In September I started taking a class at my church on Biblical Counseling. It has been something that I have wanted to partake in but would always make excuses for in the past. So I took the 10-week class and was totally invested, doing the homework and the reading assignments. And can I just say that I LOVED it! I was challenged, I grew in my faith, and I learned so much about the Bible. I will be pursuing more classes next year and I am really looking forward to them.

I have loved The Walking Dead on AMC. Jordan and I have been huge fans of the shows in years past and also watch Talking Dead with Chris Hardwick after the episode. It’s the #1 show on TV for a reason guys, it’s awesome. You’re welcome.

Some foods that I have loving recently include; avocados, eggs, Caesar salad, cheese, popcorn, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, (I recently started making this on toast as a snack) and veggie chips. I am a little obsessed with those chips.

I started the Ipsy subscription service in September and I am a huge fan; a pink package with beauty surprises every month? Yes, please.

I went to Holiday World with the family in the middle of September and no one brought their swimsuits because they thought it would be too cold (expect me because I am always prepared). But we rode the water coasters in our clothes anyway because we are crazy and I didn’t want to walk all the way to the car to get my suit.

I read Peter Pan for the first time in September. Yes, the children’s book...Guys… If you only remember the Disney Peter Pan you NEED to read the classic children’s book. I was so amazed and shocked and in love.

I have also committed to reading more children’s books because sometime in October I made the startling realization that I had been gipped in my childhood where children’s literature is concerned. You would be shocked at just how many classics I never read as a kid that it’s almost appalling. So naturally I Googled “best Children’s books” and Amazon gave me 100. I made a list from those recommendations and will be renting them from the library. I am actually really excited about it.  Right now I am reading A Wrinkle in Time.

I have also been working on memorizing more Scripture.  Back in March of this year I memorized Romans Ch. 8 as part of a challenge at my church. And I have to say after committing 39 verses to memory I was the most proud I have been of myself in a long time. So I wanted to memorize more. I am working on an Advent passage right now and have a list of passages and chapters I want to commit to memory next year. It’s a great exercise if you have not tried it. I highly recommend it. I still have all 39 verses in my head and I love saying that.

In October I was able to attend the True Women’s Conference at the Indianapolis Convention Center. It’s a international annual conference about women encouraging and coming alongside women in their faith. It was such an inspiring weekend as I listened to Joni Erikson Tada give her testimony and speak. I will never forget all the wonderful things I learned at the conference.

I don’t know if you knew that I injured my back two years ago, but I have been making major progress were that is concerned. My chiropractor was so pleased with my progress in the past few months that she was like, “What have you been doing?! You are so loose!” One word. Spoonk.

A Spoonk is an acupuncture mat with 6,000+ spikes that you lay on to increase blood circulation to tight muscle and helps with sleep. It’s pure magic. I lay on that thing 3-4 times a week for 30min or so and my back is so relaxed and loosened; and I sleep so well.

Speaking of fitness, I think I walk on average 10 miles a day at my job. Plus I am lifting and moving heavy Men’s product along with other merchandise so my muscles are nice and toned. Basically my fitness game is on point because of my job. Now if I could just eat better…

I have been listening to a lot of Christian talk radio. I like to hear the sermons and commentaries that they have playing while I drive to work.

Jordan and I visited the Children’s Museum of Indianapolis in November to see the Terra Cotta Warriors all the way from China. They were the real thing and it was so interesting to see such an old artifact. We also explored the museum and it was such a joy to see so many childhood memories come back and also to see how much things have changed.

I have been journaling a lot recently. I was flipping though old journals and it had been a year since my last entry! *sad face* So I have been journaling regularly and it was been very therapeutic. I feel like I learn so much about myself and my thinking habits when I write. It’s such a great why to see my thoughts clearly. I love it.

I have been really into YouTube. I mainly watch beauty videos and a few lifestyle ones. I have my favorites. I try and not to get sucked in and waste hours (just that one time…ok maybe twice). But I do learn a lot of beauty tricks and get great recommendations.

Jordan and I found a new Sushi house that we love. It’s in Carmel and it’s called Miracle. The first time we went I had hands down the best sushi roll of my life there. No joke. We have been back since and I want to try everything on the menu. We have also been loving going to Chili's, Arby's Bonefish, and Chipotle.

The best sushi roll of my life. It's appropriately called "The Miracle Roll."

I dyed my hair auburn red. I was in a hair rut and needed some life to my dull hair. I think it suits me really well.

My sister-in-law (Jordan’s sister) got married on Halloween and it was the most beautiful, awesome wedding I have ever been to. In addition, my sister-in-law and I have spent a lot of time together than we ever have. We spent a lot of time with wedding preparations and a lot of time since the wedding with her new husband. It’s great having a sister so close that I can spend time with.

 Us at the rehearsal dinner
 I wore leg warmers at the reception because it was 25 degrees outside and stormy and windy and cold. It was absolutely freezing.

Jordan and I hosted our first Friendsgiving this year and it was a complete success. I had a mini freak out while making the mac and cheese and wondered it we would even have enough food and seating for everyone. In the end, everyone had a great time and we had just the right amount of everything. We felt so blessed to have so many friends in our home that we will definitely be making this an annual tradition.

I think that is all I am going to say in my recap. I will be making more of an effort to publish more often on here. I hope everyone has had a great couple of months and enjoying this holiday season!

Happy Monday!

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Our getaway to Sugar Valley

Last week Jordan and I had the chance to get away from Indy for a few days and spend some time together after a busy summer.

I think it was the middle of June when I told Jordan, “Since I started at Old Navy a year and a half ago, I have not had more than 4 days off in a row.” At the time Jordan and I were both full time at our jobs, me having just transferred to a new building, and Jordan starting full time after a long recovery period where he couldn’t work.

We were both working hard and were doing well in our positions. We continued this all summer; me working early mornings and him working nights and weekends. There were periods were I wouldn’t see him for a few days except maybe a few minutes between me getting home and him leaving for work. We would try and spend one day a week together to go on a date or hang out at home together and talk. And it was working because we both understood what we were working for and why. And I respected him for working hard and he was proud of me at my job. It was a good balance.

But, after I told Jordan about wanting some time off together we decided to do it at the end of August. We both put in our requests off work for that week and waited eagerly.

Jordan had wanted to go camping for a while now and I was up for anything so long as it meant more than an hour drive away (I love a good road trip and talks in the car) and staying at least one night. So we decided on Turkey Run.

Turkey Run is a state park with hiking trails, campgrounds and cabins. Just down the road was Sugar Valley Canoe Trips were you could stay for a day and canoe, or spend the night in a primitive cabin and extend your canoeing experience. We decided on a primitive cabin the woods. It was literally a cabin big enough for three twin beds, an A/C unit, a light, and an outlet. We also had a fire ring near our cabin for cooking and a picnic table, all for the price of $25 a night.

They did have a small convenience store on the campgrounds with a restaurant so it wasn’t like you were stuck in the middle of nowhere. The first night we picked up some supplies at the small store because both of us had not been camping in years and we were unprepared. We cooked breakfast on the fire the second day and then during the day we would snack on the food we brought and then at night eat at the restaurant for dinner. It was real nice.

Since we went during the week we were the only ones staying overnight at Sugar Valley. It was so quiet and peaceful and slow and calming. We stayed two nights because we really wanted to relax and not feel rushed. At the end we both felt refreshed, and connected. It was so nice to take a pause from our busy lives for a bit.

We will be going back to Sugar Valley a little more prepared and stay longer, maybe even bring along another couple. I was thankful for the change of pace and the time to be still and reflect on all the things that I am thankful for. It was perfect.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

here's to a new beginning on this little blog of mine

I can’t believe it’s been a year and a half since I have been on this blog!
I am going to be honest, there have been many times in the past few weeks where I wanted to write something to publish on this space of mine, but every time I would think about it I would always draw a blank as to where to begin. So I would put it off and think about it. That didn’t help. So today I decided the best place and time to start is right here and right now. A thought is just a wish without action.

 This morning I woke up at 7:30am despite having the day off and the opportunity to sleep in. Because I work mornings sleeping in to me is 9am, but that rarely happens. As I was lying in bed with the blue hues of a promised sunrise peaking through my curtains I rolled over to see my orange tabby cat curled up next to me not yet awake. I smiled and stroked his belly, this woke him up and he looked up at me with sleepy eyes as he stretched his paws towards my face. “Morning baby Roy.” I whispered as I kissed his head.

After looking at my phone to check the time I thought about trying to fall back asleep. I rubbed Roy’s belly while he purred with closed eyes. “I'd like to have a quiet morning,” I thought to myself. I slowly swung my legs over the edge of the bed and grabbed my robe. Roy and I padded into the kitchen; coffee for me, breakfast for him. I made myself an extra half a cup because I knew I wanted seconds even before my first sip. While the coffee was brewing I refreshed Roy’s water, picked him up and gave him a big hug and kiss before opening the door to let him outside.

With coffee in hand I came back to my warm bed and reached for my Bible. Since I am usually at work by 8am, and sometimes earlier, I have fallen out of the habit of reading in the morning. I wanted to change that. So I opened to the Psalms and my eyes fell on the 77th chapter. There was a verse that stood out to me, it reads, “Then my spirit made a diligent search.” A few verses later it says, “I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old.” It reminded me that recounting the wonders and blessing of the Lord is like a diligent search, it is not something that will just come to mind, we have to think about it. It has to be intentional. We must continually remember the “wonders of old”, i.e. the ways in which the Lord has proven faithful in the past. It was a calming and unexpected reminder on this quiet morning that I must remember “the deeds of the Lord.”

The rest of today will be as relaxing as my morning. I believe that days off work should consist of wearing cute pajams, making an extra cup of coffee and having a lunch date with your husband.

I want to get back into this blogging thing. It just feels good to write again. I think that’s enough reason for right now.


A thank you to Erica over at All things E for being honest about, and writing about blogging. You have inspired me to write for myself and start anew on this little blog of mine.
Also, a thank you to Kelly Ann at Blog - Spirit & Haven for creating a playlist to put me in the right creative mindset. You can go and listen to it here.

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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

dreaming of Spring


today it's raining and i am dreaming of Spring. makes me think of the coming change of seasons and all the exciting things that Spring has to offer. these pink hunters are on my wish list, as well as this adorable bag from ModCloth (i am falling in love with that place). i can't wait to sip cool cocktails and smell pretty tulips and all the other delicious things that come with Spring.
for now, i am staying inside and getting things down around the apartment.
it's a lounging kinda tuesday.